Corvallis Hearing Center recommends hearing aids based on your Degree of Hearing Loss, Lifestyle, Communication Needs and Budget.
Hearing aid technology has vastly improved. Gone are the days when hearing aids were big, squeak-prone and useful only in dead quiet environments. Today’s hearing aids are equipped with digital microcomputers that automatically adjust sounds to make speech audible and comfortable for you. Today’s hearing aids are more discreet, more comfortable, and can improve your understanding of speech better than ever before.
It is no longer true that if you have a BIG hearing loss you need a BIG hearing aid to correct your hearing. With today’s cutting-edge features, hearing aids connect wirelessly to your phone and television and are hassle-free, cool and even fun to use!
Corvallis Hearing Center is not a franchise or limited to one manufacturer. We offer numerous hearing aid brands and styles from the big 5 manufacturers in the industry including Oticon, Phonak, Resound, Starkey and WS Audiology (formerly Signia and Widex). We also have a consumer hearing aid test group. These hearing aid testers are experienced, long time hearing aid users that volunteer their time to evaluate new hearing aids in an ongoing search to find the best hearing aids in the world marketplace.
When a new hearing aid is released our product testers are fit with these hearing aids and a series of clinical tests are conducted to show the level of communication improvements comparing the new aids to their old hearing aids. Then they are worn by each product tester for 30 days to be evaluated by their personal experience in their everyday lives. Our product testers wear the hearing aids they are evaluating in classes, social gatherings, at church, in meetings, noisy restaurants and give them a thorough, “real-world” evaluation.
After the evaluation period the product testers report their findings at the Oregon Association for Better Hearing Seminar. They rate every function and feature of the aids. These features include background noise suppression, ease of operation, quality of sound, telephone compatibility, wireless connectivity, comfort in the ear, feedback (whistle) control and many more features critical to hearing aid success.
The hearing aids that receive top rankings are those recommended and fit on patients at Corvallis Hearing Center.
With so many hearing aid types, style and wireless connectivity options available today, there is not a “one-size-fits-all” hearing aid that is appropriate for every patient. At Corvallis Hearing Center we recommend the best solution to improve your communication needs based on your degree of hearing loss, lifestyle, personal preference, and budget.
After your hearing test we discuss your hearing loss with you and recommend the hearing aid device that will fit your communication needs. It is important to us that you share your needs and preferences so we can recommend a solution that is best for you.
Call us today to schedule your hearing test at Corvallis Hearing Center and receive the best hearing loss treatment for your communication needs!